Good morning and Happy Wacky Wednesday Wisdom Y'all! It's been quite a week in sports and I have some wonderful sports questions from you the wonderful fans. With that being said let's get right to it!
1) What are your thoughts on Jason Garrett being hired as the OC for the New York Giants? Amber G. NY, NY
Wow! This is somewhat of a loaded question for a Cowboys fan don't you think? LOL! No in all seriousness I have a feeling this can go one of two ways and one of those ways could be VERY ugly for the Dallas Cowboys. The first way is he is set in his Cowboys ways and the team knows what he is going to do before he even does it. For Cowboys fans that will be wonderful because we will know what he has up his sleeve the whole time. The other way and this is the way I fear it may go is that Garrett is just a better coordinator than he is a coach. You know some people are meant to not be coaches I like to use the example of Wade Phillips he was not a very good coach but look what he has done as a DC for many of the teams he has coached on defense. He has taken them to the top or right up there. This is my honest opinion about Garrett he will be a masterful coordinator but just isn't cut out to be a coach.
2) In order of NFL coaches hires who do you think wins the #1 spot? Sam P. Raleigh-Durham, NC
This is actually a pretty good question not that any one question is bad though. Here is how I would rate the order of hires in the NFL for new coaches. 1) Ron Rivera- Washington; 2) Joe Judge- NY Giants(I know this might sound silly but if you are talking long term believe me he is DEFINITELY number 2); 3) Mike McCarthy- Dallas Cowboys; 4) Kevin Stefanski- Cleveland Browns; 5) Matt Rhule- Carolina Panthers(I put him at the back because to be honest with you I think he lasts as long as Nick Saban did in the NFL and is back in college).
3) Do you think the Atlanta Braves have done enough to win the division? Samantha Q Nashville, TN
To be perfectly honest with you I don't think the Braves have done enough to win the division. However, baseball is a 162 game season and anything can happen to the other teams in front of them. The #1 way a team can win their division in baseball is to remain healthy, but with a 162 game season players will get hurt. They do have the farm system to pull off a huge trade though and my guess is if a trade were to come soon it would be for the VERY UNHAPPY Nolan Arenado.
4) Why is everyone freaking out about the Astros "supposedly" cheating? Every team does it right? Jared M. OKC, OK
Why would you even bring this up when I literally blogged about this last week? Have you not read the blog...like ever? Here's the thing: it is cheating because Manfred in 2017 when the Red Sox had an incident with Apple iwatches the Commissioner of Baseball Rob Manfred said that any team caught or said to be using electronic devices for advancement of the game would be punished severely by MLB. AJ Hinch even knew it was wrong because allegedly he smashed tv's in the dugout. I'm sorry but for everyone saying it's not cheating what about MLB teams that are extremely bad(are they just bad at cheating?)? Because if every team is doing it then that means the worse teams in baseball are doing it. So please explain that to me? Unfortunately this is going to hurt MLB not just the teams involved with the cheating. For 2-3 years after the steroid craze back in the days MLB lost money and fans for several years. Why? It's a trust thing. Fans have lost trust not only in those teams but in MLB in stopping teams from doing this. So mark my words on this one MLB is going to see a decrease in attendance this year and possibly for the next couple of years.
5) What happened to the Jimmy The K Sports Show on Lime City Radio Network? Juan D Denver, CO
Well, I was beginning to wonder if anyone noticed...LOL! Here's what I can tell you so far: I worked with a great PD by the name of MikeDee in Indiana and this was his radio network. Of no fault of his own this radio network decided to go off air and hasn't been on in a week and a half at this time. Will it come back? No one knows not even myself. However, what my plan is to create the All About Sports Zone Radio Network. This will have all shows uploaded in mp3 form for your listening pleasure on the website. The one you are using to view here. This will be until further notice or until something is worked out. What this will allow me to do is do shorter segments and upload and place them on the website. From the website you will see that shows are labeled episode 101 through whatever the next show is in order that is the first show until the last show.
Well, that is this week's Wacky Wednesday Wisdom. Until next week we shall see what happens in the sports world that is very intriguing and needs Wisdom imparted on it. Thanks again for the wonderful questions!
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