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Wacky Wednesday Wisdom

Happy Wacky Wednesday Folks! I really appreciate all the encouraging words and questions you have sent my way in anticipation of The Jimmy The K Sports Show on Lime City Radio Network. If you have not heard I worked closely over the last 3 weeks or so with MikeDee who is the creator and founder of the internet radio station. Now I can rest assured you that from 6-6:30PM Wednesday on Lime City Radio Network you can hear me with my sports wisdom or lack thereof. You can be the judge! Here is the link in how you can listen to the show:

Now on with the topic at hand this Wacky Wednesday! More allegations have come out over the last few days that the Houston Astros cheated and used electronic devices to steal signs from other teams. The most recent report has 4 former Astros all on the team when they won the World Series in 2017(the year these allegations are in). The player with the most cahones right now is that of Mike Fiers who seems to be blowing the whistle quite hard. Now what are my thoughts on them or any other team in sports cheating for that matter?

First and foremost, I want Astros fans to know that many of you I love and respect and don't want you to think that I am all about bashing the Houston Astros. I am saying this in advance of tonight's show on Lime City Radio Network in which I kind of take the gloves off on their treatment of Nolan and Reid Ryan. Let's be really clear the Houston Astros are not the only team in baseball or a professional sport to be blamed for cheating. The New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, and I am sure many other MLB teams have done it in the past. What's the difference here? The fact that at least 4 of the former Astros on the 2017 World Series team are calling them out. So with that being said, I really feel this has plenty of legs to stand on.

Second, I am not a fan of cheating in any sport. However, growing up you are always taught "cheaters NEVER win" and it seems like in the case of many professional sports that is NOT always the case. If the Astros did in fact cheat and won the World Series in 2017 I guess that totally nullifies the fact they won right? No it does not! Just like if the New England Patriots are truly deflating balls(this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard) then it doesn't defeat the fact they won it all. Let me go back to the Patriots "deflate-gate". I'm going to put on my science and weather hat now. Do you know what happens to tires in cooler weather? How about warmer? If you don't let me enlighten you: in warmer weather tires will increase in pressure as in cold weather they will deflate and lose air. So with deflate-gate it is nothing but uneducated knuckleheads who really don't know their weather and pressure facts. I have and never will be a fan of cheating, however, you have to look at the situation at hand. With the Astros you have 4 former players coming forward making the same claims. Whereas, with the Patriots you have them all sticking to the same story. With normally that many guys you can't keep a story straight from one player to another. Cheating is cheating no matter how you slice it! However, should we really teach our children: Cheaters NEVER win?! Because as you can see over the last decade or more in professional sports that is NOT the case. Maybe instead of "Cheaters NEVER win" we can say, "Cheaters will always be exposed". Personally, I am sick of the cheating that is going on in sports and it is only worse when their sports role models are the ones doing the cheating. The worse part of all of this is they will continually deny it.

Well that is my thoughts for today's Wacky Wednesday Wisdom. Thank you so much for the kind words and questions and remember we might not be able to stop the cheating but we can bring it to light. Well until tonight at 6PM

I will see you on the Lime City Radio Network.

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