Hey folks! It's me your trusty sports guru and the Big Daddy of sports on Lime City Radio Network. Happy Wacky Wednesday Y'all! Today we have some listeners questions that have been submitted so here goes nothing!
1) Is the XFL for real? Jamie B. McAllen, TX
Yes I wholeheartedly believe this version of the XFL is for real this time. For one Vince McMahon the founder of this league both in 2001 and now. However, the difference this time he is letting Oliver Luck who has experience running sports teams and leagues run the show and is just paying the bills. Ratings wise yes in weeks two and three it has seen a steady decline, however, it still is pulling in the numbers and is tops in the sports over the weekend amongst the likes of NASCAR and college basketball.
2) Why can't I just be a co-host of the Jimmy The K Sports Show? Matt M. Paris, TX
Well I have this wonderful contest going on so if you want to be a co-host of the show you have to follow the instructions. I want you the fans to all have an equal share and fair way for everyone to have a shot to win the co-host the show duties.
3) Will the Astros keep getting beaned? Darren O. Houston, TX
To be quite honest with you I absolutely don't see the beaning stopping when it comes to the Astros. I really think I should start a betting company and see who wins the bet as to by which week the Astros have their first bench clearing brawl. At this point in time I think you will see the benches clear at least twice in the first three weeks of the season. You know my two cents on the whole cheating with the Astros goes and if you don't please go back and read previous posts.
4) Have you seen the new Rangers ballpark Globe Life Field? Samantha P. Charlotte, NC
Yes I have seen the new Rangers ballpark, but only the outside of it. So it depends on what you mean by have you seen it? I've seen it I drive by it a lot and watch the progress being made on the outside. However, if you mean the inside no I have not and I don't even have Chris Stapleton tickets to see it March 14th. So if any of you wonder fans have tickets hit me up...LOL!
Well folks that's this weeks installment of Wacky Wednesday Wisdom. Again thank you for the kind words and encouragement not only for this blog but for the Jimmy The K Sports Show on Lime City Radio Network. Until next week keep the questions coming and my mailbag filled and I'll continue to answer your questions.