Good morning and Happy Wacky Wednesday Y'all! Have you ever wanted to be a co-host of a radio show? Today I would like to discuss with you a contest that I am going to be running til April 2nd, 2020. Basically, you can be my co-host for a future show if you do the following things to get you entered to win. So here goes all the rules and ways to enter.
First and foremost, I want to do something special for my 100th like on the All About Sports Zone Facebook Page. So if you get to liking the page and you are our 100th "new" like then you will automatically get a future day to co-host with me Jimmy the K on a show. So that is the simple way to "get in" and automatically get the "future co host" spot. So simply put you are the 100th new like on the page I will be notifying you of a future show you can co-host with me on. But wait? What if I already like the page? Don't worry I have not left you out.
Second, if you already like the All About Sports Zone Facebook page all you have to do is "like" a post for one entry or you can "share" that post for one entry as well. So you can honestly get "two entries" for a post you like and share. I will keep tally of all the likes and shares of the page and on April 2nd will announce the winner of the "Be my Co-Host" winner. It will be announced not only through all means possible: the blog, the show, but also through a Facebook Live post.
Lastly, now for some little rules. You can't like and share one post multiple times and expect a million entries. The most entries you can get for a "like" and "share" is two entries. This makes it fair for all involved. Next, you have to be a United States citizen with a United States phone number: I know I might get "flack" on this one,
but if I have to call you or you have to call me to be part of the show I don't want anyone to have to pay for long distance calling. If you are local to the DFW area I will get in contact with you and we could do the show via a location. Finally, this is for this post on so anything post-wise in the past DOES NOT COUNT. So this Wacky Wednesday Wisdom on Feb. 19th, 2020 on will count for entries until April 2nd at 12:01am CDT.
Well that is this weeks installment of Wacky Wednesday Wisdom. Thank you so much for the continual support of the Jimmy The K Sports Show and I hope you enjoy the contest. Now it's time to start liking and sharing these posts for entries. Good luck from everyone at the Jimmy The K Sports Show and All About Sports Zone.