Wow! Wow! and more Wow's! Thank you so much for the feedback you have given on the Wacky Wednesday Wisdom. Due to the overwhelming response my goal is to keep this blog going for many Wednesday's to come. On today's installment of Wacky Wednesday Wisdom we have a question asked by Mark R. as to my thoughts on pitchers being warmed up and saved for leads. So here you go Mark R. and keep them questions coming fans.
This is a very good question brought up in to response to Gerritt Cole being warmed up and sat back down multiple times in Game 7 of the World Series. Here is my thoughts on this! Why? Why? Why? At the time the Houston Astros were first warming up Gerritt Cole the team was only down 3-2. Why not bring in the best pitcher in baseball over the last couple of years and more importantly this season. Furthermore, the Houston Astros lineup from top to bottom is not a lineup you want to mess with so let's say they bring in Cole in that situation down only 3-2. What does this do? It gives the Astros the opportunity to come back and not be down 4 or more runs when you bring in someone else. Also, to echo the words of Mark. R you lift up the stadium and the fans by doing this.

Now to get to the real question at hand what are my thoughts on this? It is not only done in World Series, but also in games that are of elimination caliber. Truthfully, I am not a huge fan of this unless you are absolutely going to bring in that "ace" you have warmed up. Why one might ask? Because if my "ace" is going to get hurt I would much rather him get hurt actually pitching in the game than in the dugout warming up multiple times. In this case, the Astros claimed they wanted to bring Cole in for a clean inning. I can get that to some extent, however, in this case, why not use him because you run the risk of him being "upset" and not re-signing with your organization for this particular stunt. I want to make it clear that if Cole was brought in and used I would have not had a problem with it the problem lies in the fact he was up 2 or three times and at no point was brought into the game. This is where I draw the line if I am the owner of an organization. Needless to say, this very well could have cost the Houston Astros a shot at re-signing Gerritt Cole. With the way he composed himself after the game(wearing a Boras Corp. hat and claiming he is NO LONGER an employee of the organization) this could very well be the last the Astros see of Gerritt Cole in their locker room.
In conclusion, as you can see I am NOT a fan of warming up a pitcher and sitting them back and doing it multiple times, however, if it is done right as warmed up and put in the game go for it. Hope that helps out! Thanks again for all the encouraging words and questions for the blog. Until next week that's your Wacky Wednesday Wisdom.
P.S. Again I am currently taking topic ideas and questions so keep them coming. To ask a question(s) email: Also, if you have topic idea(s) shoot them my way. Lastly, I am still working out the internet radio experience so hopefully in the next few days or week I'll have more for you.