I know you have heard the old adage that defense wins championships and sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. However, in the case of the Superbowl you can bet your heart and dollar that it won the Superbowl. Here's MY Top 3 reasons why the New England Patriots won the Superbowl.
1) First and foremost, defense in this case and in most cases wins championships. This was the case in this years Superbowl as the Los Angeles Rams held the New England Patriots to 3 points for 3.5 quarters. If that is the case one might ask why did the Rams not win the Superbowl? It comes down to the interception with about 3 minutes left in the game that the Patriots won this game. If it were not for that interception we really don't know what would have happened. Also, between the first half and the second half the defense made adjustments. They realized that if you get in the young Jared Goff's face he will inevitably throw an interception or make a mistake during the game.
2) Two words: Brady/Edelman. You know the funniest thing about all of this? Suh of the Rams came out and publicly stated the day after the Superbowl that the Rams STOPPED Edelman. Are you kidding me? 10 catches for over 100 yards receiving is STOPPING "The Bearded Wonder"! Also, Tom Brady has more than one target and teams need to realize this and realize this sooner or later otherwise he will be picking your defense apart from here to his 110th birthday. Brady can make adjustments and you saw that from the first 2-3 drives. I think most of America and the NFL feel if Brady is in danger Gronk is his go-to guy. This is were the Rams screwed up! You assumed Brady was only going to Gronk and forgetting to key on one of his other favorite targets: Edelman(a.k.a. The Bearded Wonder).
3) Experience. You know why Michael Jordan was always winning championships? This is the same reason Brady and company are winning championships. The more experience you have the better your odds are. Do I think Brady can be beat? Absolutely! He was beat 5 times during the regular season. But when it comes to the big games: what would you rather have? A Brady who has been there and done that or a young kid who maybe well NOT be in his prime yet? My guess is: if you are going to Vegas you are betting on the experience, not the kid who is just now tasting his first trip to the show.
In conclusion, as you can see or you may already know the New England Patriots won their 6th Superbowl in the last 9 trips. However, this time it was done in one of the most exciting ways: Defense, defense, defense. Now that football season is over: Comment with the sports stories/questions you want me to write about and you could have your stories/questions answered.