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To Turf or Not Turf: Answered revealed

The city of Arlington for those of you that are not familiar with the situation approved a deal about a year and a half ago for a new entertainment district in the city and one of the new features is a state of the art retractable roof climate controlled baseball stadium to replace the Ballpark in Arlington or whatever you want to call it. Fans of the old ballpark should not fret though as the old one is going to be converted to an XFL football stadium. So what is the big deal with the new stadium and why are fans having mixed emotions about it today?

The new state of the art climate controlled stadium for your Texas Rangers brought some fans to their knees today as it was revealed that instead of real grass they are going with artificial turf. Some of the concerns that fans have are warranted! Why? The biggest concern I think most of them have is the same I have and that is with turf you are more prone to injuries and some of the injuries are not your "mom and pop" injuries(if you can call injuries that!). The Texas Rangers team of 2020 and beyond is going to have to be conditioned in a manner that will allow them to NOT constantly get hurt. To be honest with you I think this is the #1 biggest concern for the fans.

Why Turf? Personally, I think it falls under the concern that the Rangers organization is NOT confident that their grounds crew will be able to keep grass alive in a retractable roof stadium. To be honest, have you been on Globe Life Parks grass here of late? The grass was more than dead when they had their annual Enchant moved to the inside of the stadium. Do I blame them for having stuff on the grass and a few days into it already being dead? No, because it is winter and your grass is going to die anyway right? Absolutely! However, I think this maybe the organization keeping tabs on the grounds crew.

So now that we as fans have the answer to the new stadium and the type of "flooring" that is being put in: what are your thoughts on the new stadium being turfed? Do you like it or dislike it? What would you like to see in the new stadium? Do you like the concept of the new entertainment district?

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