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School is in session

Unless you have been living under a rock over the last 24 hours you now know that the L.A. Rams beat the New Orleans Saints in an overtime thriller. Also, in the AFC Championship game, the New England Patriots beat the Kansas City Chiefs in an overtime thriller as well. All of this being said, we now know that the Super Bowl is going to be the Patriots vs the Rams and one of these teams is going to get a lesson. Let's look at why one team is likely to get "schooled"in the Super Bowl:

1) The tale of two different quarterbacks: Tom Brady who seems to be over the last decade in these big games almost always unbeatable. Jared Goff who may have the younger aspect going for him, however, this could also be a big disadvantage for him. Brady has proven time and time again over the years to be able to handle a game with poise especially in the BIG games. Goff on the other hand this is his first dance in what one might call the "BIG GAME" and if his nerves are going to get the best of him you can bet your heart and dollar that the Patriots are going to feed off those nerves and fear.

2) Let's face it: The Patriots are what you consider to be an all around team. Special teams: check; Defense: check; Offense: check. This Patriots team as much as I might not be a Pats fan per se you have to give them credit for finding ways to win year in and year out. Honestly, some want to put this team as the next dynasty in the NFL. However, I would not put them in a dynasty because to be honest with you they are in a class in and of itself. Are you a Montana fan? Great! But has he done what Brady has done for the sport? Let's face it: if you are going to put Brady anywhere it's at the top of the all time QB's list. What about the Patriots? You know there is another team that has claimed to be America's team in the past. Sorry Cowboys but you have been dethroned over and over and over again. Sad to say, a quarterback that recently retired has been in more championships games than Jason Garrett in his eight years. Now is that truly America's Team?

3) Defense wins championships! I know you hear this a lot but do you truly believe it? Well in this circumstance the Patriots defense is going to have their way with Jared Goff. This goes back to something that was said in the top of this article if the Patriots even smell nerves or fear they are going to be salivating and going after Goff left and right imposing their will on him. This is where Brady gets the advantage again he's been in these games time and time again he feasts on being under pressure sometimes.

4) Now for the caveat: if the referees have and NFL have their way are they going to try to help boost the ratings? In other words, are calls going to be made just to keep one team in it that honestly shouldn't be in it in the first place? This has happened all throughout the playoffs and seems to get worse year after year. Personally, and this is just my opinion, I honestly do think the referees help boost the ratings. Let's look at this years Super Bowl matchup: You have the Patriots that everyone knew was going to be there and then the Rams. Let me ask you why the Rams? This is the third year in the league since moving back to Los Angeles. Do you think third time really is a charm? No! I think the NFL and referees helped with this one.

In conclusion, while I am excited for Goff, Gurley, Rams and company I can't for the life of me see how they are going to beat the Patriots. Too many things in the Patriots favor: Brady, Gronkowski, Edelman, defense, special teams. This Patriots team is going to have their way with the Rams. In the end, Brady and company hoist the trophy to a huge Super Bowl win: Patriots 45, Rams 10.

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