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United We Stand

For most of us this is not an issue, however, thanks to our trusty biased media we now have to sit down and talk about the hard issues. Is this something that even 5 years ago us sports talk writers or hosts had to even discuss? No! However, with the times it is something we need to discuss so let's sit back and look at both sides of the equation and maybe just maybe we can look past the noise the liberal media is throwing at us and come to some logical solution.

For those on the side of not standing for the National Anthem: they have feelings too and we just need to take a look at their side as well. For many that regard the NOT standing it goes back to slavery back in the days and MOST importantly now it goes to the way they are treated by OUR law enforcement here recently. Is it really about the FLAG and our Nation? No and absolutely not! However, let's sit back and put ourselves in their shoes for once. If you were constantly profiled as being a criminal and sometimes and I mean sometimes thrown to the ground, beat, hit, and told to stop moving when in fact all you are doing is trying to ask what am I doing wrong, would you NOT too not want to stand for what this country is for? I'll bring myself into this: when my son Nolan was an infant my family then was living in Pasadena Texas. It was a Saturday and I was trying to get home from seeing a friend of mine that was a chiropractor, the road I was supposed to take was blocked off and I went across 3 lanes of traffic as a cop was trying to direct me to go do the round-about. Make note: I used my turn signal and was let in by a kind person letting me in. However, this one officer thought he wanted to get a rise and flash his badge called for me to pull over to the side. I graciously rolled down the window and he started screaming at me telling me what I did wrong. Asked to see info and as I was leaning over to get my info I muttered(first mistake) what a dork? He commenced to scream that I called him a DORK and to get out the vehicle. When I wasn't going fast enough he told me to get out or so help me God I will rip your skinny hiney out of the the truck with the seat belt on and their isn't a judge that would convict me. Point is I was almost arrested that day and with all this noise about how cops can be bad I've seen it firsthand. It made me think when the media started screaming about standing how much at that moment in time I had NO RESPECT for this country because of one cop who thought he was above the law. It happens and if you have EVER been in that situation you think about how unrespectful this country can be. Note: please don't take away that I think ALL cops are bad. It is like everyone else out there. You have some bad apples and they are in every profession, every race, and every sport.

For those on the side of standing for the National Anthem: the whole standing for the National Anthem is a thing of respect. More importantly for those who don't want to stand for the Anthem try serving in the military. Do you think your superior officer is going to let you kneel? Absolutely not! There is a whole line of history I'm still trying to understand about the standing for the National Anthem. For those who are against it maybe they were not listening in school or just didn't care to listen. Personally as someone who has a whole host of family members that have or do serve in the military I'm not one that is going to NOT stand and disrespect the flag. You see where this is going? It is a RESPECT thing! Thanks now I have a Tina Turner song stuck in my head! All kidding aside: Sometimes you need analogies and this is were you are going to get one. Let's say I was coming to your party and you asked everyone in the party to wear blue and sing Happy Birthday to your dear OLD grandma who was turning the young age of 99. Clearly on the invitation it says blue and you have to sing happy birthday and in fine print says, "if you don't wear blue and sing", you need not to come. You show up and you are wearing blue but when singing Happy Birthday you broke out into your version set to the tune of OLD MCDONALD! Is that not disrespectful?! Simply all we are asking you to do is STAND! When you don't you are like that one person who does what they want to do at dear OLD grandma's 99th birthday. Sorry , but I said it up above it is NOT about history or being slaved or anything else? However, it is about RESPECT! These players mainly Colin Kaepernick have NO RESPECT! Do me a favor before you whine and moan and groan about oppression get out a history book or read some historical document written about our past Presidents. If you need some suggestions I'm pretty sure I have a family member or two or three that could suggest some.

In conclusion, this is definitely NOT about oppression or about slavery but more importantly the lack of respect some have felt they have got from what we call the GREAT NATION of the United States of America. I hope I opened your eyes into both sides of the issue and hope this will get us talking. This day and time with the media trying to tell us how to think and what to believe we need to turn off that noise and get back to discussing face to face. Let's cut out the noise and just discuss. Furthermore, I'll always be standing for the National Anthem.

P..S. Today you get two blogs for the price of one! I'm back and hope you too are ready to take the ride of the Jimmy The K Sports Show(COMING SOON).

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