As many of you know we are adding a co-host to the Jimmy the K Sports Show so help me welcome to the show The Big Dew. With this new adventure to the show I wanted to get some of your input to the show. So here goes:
1) Are you liking the Facebook live aspect to the show? We have been broadcasting not only live on Ustream on Tuesday nights at 7 P.M. CDT but also added the feature of broadcasting live on Facebook. This gives you the fans NOT only the chance to ask pertinent sports questions if you are friends of mine on Facebook or the shows. What are your thoughts on this? Do you like it? Do you think we should scrap it?
2) Do you like the website to the show? I am possibly looking to change the name of the page(possibly) to make it easier for you the fans to find the page. The website title is so long but using the "free" aspect of wix may only allow for this. What are your thoughts? Do you like it? Should it too be scrapped?
3) Do you like the interaction you have with me as a host? Not only during the show but during the week. You can ask me questions sports related throughout the week and I'll answer them during that next week's live show. Do you like this aspect of the show? The part you get to be a part of?
4) Do you like the fact you can send the show pictures of your sporting events and have them posted to the page? For those new to the page yes you can send us your sports pictures and we will post them to the page giving you 100 percent of the credit.
Now for the part that you can help me out with:
1) What changes should be made to the page to make it more impressive? Adding a co-host my thoughts are having our picture plasted all over everything.
2) What do you think we should do to the show to make it a better viewer experience? Adding a co-host is only the first step in a long line of things I feel we can do to improve the show. Your thoughts?
3) Once the show starts to take off in the direction we want it to go where would you like to meet us at? Yes you heard that right! Give us places and suggestions and maybe just maybe we'll make it a reality.
4) Are you satisfied with the video portion of the show or would you much rather not see us making this mainly an audio type show?
Ok I think that is all that I can think of for now however you can shoot me an email, tweet, or Facebook message as to what you think we should do to improve the show. IN the meantime please give a warm welcome to my new show co-host The Big Dew on this coming Tuesday June 5th.
Email: allaboutsportszone@gmail.com
Twitter: @JimmyKersey1
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllAboutSportsZone