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Is the Worldwide Leader in Sports digging itself a hole?

I've never been nor will I ever be a fan of networks who cater to their sponsors. I get it! If you are a corporation like ESPN you have the nads to be able to throw certain people who don't fit your agenda under the bus. Here's the biggest problem in doing so though:

1) You start to lose hosts who are fed up with your tactics. If you look at ESPN since the firing of Curt Schilling other hosts have decided to take bigger deals with another powerhouse Fox Sports. Now if you ask me their timing is absolutely awkward in that a couple of these hosts waited til after Schilling was fired to jump ship. I get that ESPN has an agenda, but has that agenda caused themselves to dig themselves into a hole? If you look at the amount of hosts that were NOT fired, but decided to leave after the Schilling fiasco then I'm pretty sure we will hear sometime down the future it was the agenda of ESPN that caused them to jump ship.

2) Your ratings go on a downward spiral. I've noticed the ratings over at ESPN here of late and not only since the Schilling Saga but every time Stephen A Smith spews some "race-baiting" news that he thinks is relevant. The ratings will only continue to take a hit and if I can do anything to "throw this company" under the bus then I'm going to do it. I am constantly tired of the PC crud that goes on at ESPN and yes I get it they have to keep their sponsors and clients happy. But when is it that you are going to take a stand against what many of your viewers are sick and tired about? Instead you continue to "cater to the cowards" so to speak! You only care about your money and sponsors but care less about your viewers. Here's the little problem with that: if you don't have viewers to buy from the sponsored goods then you start to lose money because the viewers and your ratings take hits. Sponsors notice this and then comes the downward spiral. Do I think this is the case with the so called "worldwide leader in sports"? Absolutely, and if you continue to tick off the right amount of people then your network either one can no longer survive or two you have to rethink your logic. Clearly, this is about to happen at ESPN but the real question is: Will it happen in our lifetime?

The last thing I want to say is that Curt Schilling is welcomed on my show anytime! His opinion matters and he sure the hay will not be railroaded on my show :).

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