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Who Am I?

With every passing moment I am getting new likes on Facebook and new followers on Twitter. However, sometimes I get this one common question: Who Are You? With that being asked more and more here of late I want to give you a brief synopsis as to who I am.

First off I am known as Jimmy The K! It was given to me at a radio station in Houston that I was working for for several years. Someone asked, "What does the K stand for?" To which my smartalic reply to that was; I was a pitcher that could go lights out on you and therefore the K stuck. However, that is not the case, because while I did play baseball for most of my adolescent years I was an outfielder by trade. So what does the K stand for? It stands for Kersey my last name, but Jimmy The K has more of a broadcast ring to it than does Kersey: Right? I'm definitely loyal at what I do. I am not going to give you something and then take it back just to want to give it back to you years later. Because of this loyal behavior you will notice that I will NEVER throw anyone under the bus because I'm more knowledgeable than you or have others that are NOT part of the biz help with my stuff. This is something I promised myself the day that BizRadio went out of business was that if I was going to do something I would have and will only consult with the experts(if you want something right do it right the first time mentality). However, nowadays everyone with a computer thinks that they can be the next Brent Clanton, Buddy Cantu, Vince Rowe, Adam Clanton, Ryan Seacrest, or Howard Stern for that matter. This is why I will only consult with the best in the business. When you have people who think they can be in the business because they have a computer and can "google" everything you run into bigger problems just ask Iheart media/Clear Channel. So you will NEVER hear that I consulted with Joe Blow off the street, at my local hair salon, or with someone who can google everything. This is something I hold near and dear to my heart as I watched a company run itself into the ground because the President/CEO didn't know what he was doing. Everyone on the broadcast side was telling him that he was doing it wrong try doing it this way and he turned a blind eye to it. This is what happens when one person who can "google" everything runs the show. You run into problems of people who have been there done that trying to tell them for years they are doing it wrong. However, they don't listen and it bites them up the butt(not once, not twice, not three times, but EVERY TIME).

Second, I'm going to give you the content that you want and it may NOT look pretty at first, but in the long run it will outlast most. I've been working for months with a company called MediaFusion and wanted to add a feature to the website in which you come directly to the site for the show. This is still a work in progress, but I'm not just jumping into something because it is the latest/greatest new invention to the audio/video market. I want to make sure this not only is good and easy for me to use, but easy for you to use as well. Simplicity is the new common thing if it isn't simple people are going to jump ship. Websites come to mind so many people think just because a website is "pretty" it is simple to use. This is NOT the case, I've seen many a websites that are pretty however junky in the sense of simplicity. Know that I'm all for technology for certain things. The website to the Jimmy The K Sports Show has increased our followers on Twitter by over 450 in just 3 months time. However, it was something and is something that I want to continue to get better. However, I will NOT just jump in bed with the latest and greatest technological audio/video or website things. I'll much rather wait and let them work out the bugs. However, I know some that every time something new comes out jumps right on ship with them. Then they wonder why their audio/video or website is trash.

Thirdly, I'm someone who is very passionate in what I do. That is why I do a sports show every Tuesday at 7PM CDT on Ustream. I love the sports scene! If I could live at a sports stadium or a ballpark believe you me I would be the first living there. Baseball is the sport I can't live without(believe me been without it on cable for over a year and a half, now I'm looking into MLB.TV). It is the one sport that I could sit and watch all day long. However, this is a sports show and we here are going to cater to you the viewer all of the time. This is why I'm so passionate about what I do and who helps me with my content and other stuff. I'm not in this to hear myself talk! If I wanted that I would go back to talking to myself or listening to the voices in my head(LOL just kidding).

In conclusion, that is who I am! I am Jimmy The K(board operator/producer to the stars), I am someone who will give you the content that you want, and lastly I'm someone who is extremely passionate in what I do. Now that you know who I am and what I am about drop me a line:



Twitter: JimmyKersey1

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