So reports out of some media outlets for what it is worth says that the Kansas City Royals will "retaliate" against the New York Mets on opening day. Manager Ned Yost calls these just reports and that the media is like a bunch of baboons just ready to jump on some stupid made up reports. I have NOT and will NEVER be a fan of any team that retaliates. Why? These are men playing a boys sport right? Not in the case of any type of retaliation in which case these boys are being revoked their man card. It is the same category to me as cheating or drugs or anything of that fact in sports. I get the idea to want to retaliate! We all get it...if you say you don't you don't one own or drive a car or you just are in some denial. Road rage is a form of retaliation if a car cuts you off the road your initial instinct is to "go get em". This is just our natural being whether it be right or wrong. However, in sports, when do we tell our children little Johnny threw at little Jimmy's head. So little Jimmy let's throw at little Johnny's head because what goes around comes around right? We want our children to grow up and be professional athletes that is all fine and dandy(Texas Slang for you Yankees) but we as parents need to teach the kids to play the game or sport the best possible way and if you take one so be it. Get over it! There's always a lot of talk in sports no matter what one we are discussing in the category of retaliation and there is ABSOLUTELY no room in sports for retaliation. Let's stand up as parents to any person whether it be another parent or the coach and tell them not on my watch. If you want an athlete then we need to do this the right way and take back our man card's and say NO MORE.