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My two cents on the LaRoche Saga

This is not one of those posts that I am going to mence fences with the situation between the front office and Adam LaRoche of the Chicago White Sox. For those of you that do not know or have been living under a rock lately. The situation in Chicago is as follows: the management of the Chicago White Sox told LaRoche that his son now 14 could not hang out in the dugout or clubhouse anymore in which case LaRoche told management he was going to retire. This is one thing that really irks me about professional sports players from football players to baseball players to whatever sports player if they don't get their way they pout about it. I'm going to upset some fans here but really could care less because I am 100% siding with management on this situation. Someone might ask why? Here's my why:

Siding with management is NOT something I will always do but in this case in point I will. You have a 14 year old who is able to always frequent a MLB clubhouse and believe me those are not places for young ears period. Furthermore, this is a "business" decision and for a player or players for that matter to whine about this is absurd. These players always use the "business" metaphor when discussing their contracts but when it comes to the front office and management saying No you can't do this and this is a business decision you have overgrown pansies who are whining about it.

On the other hand, I am seeing his teammates and much of major league baseball siding with LaRoche. Some even have said they will file a petition with the MLBPA to get his son back in the dugout and in the clubhouse. This is something you can't argue is the best thing about major league baseball and that is the players rally around each other. I'm not going to lie if I was put in the same situation I would want my teammates and everyone around to rally around my cause and I.

So in conclusion, I can't help but think this is NOT going anywhere for awhile. If anything this is going to be around until management has got an earful and finally give into these overgrown pansies requests. If you want to compare your contract negotiations to a business then you better be ready for management to use the same argument and you better be prepared for a rebuttal. As a good old Eagles song says: GET OVER IT! Now that's my two cents :)

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