While I understand that spring training has barely got started I wanted to take a look at how I perceive the divisions all be broke down going into spring training and then as the season moves along we will examine each division to see how the breakdown is fairing. As you can tell in the breakdown below my guess is that most of the divisions will be very close. However, there are two divisions I want to pay very close attention to and that is the AL WEST and the NL WEST. These two divisions if they remain healthy could be the catalyst for who will go on to the World Series. The key to all of this is that these teams remain healthy because one injury to one key player could throw this breakdown into one big CROWFEST :P.
AL West:
x- Texas Rangers
y- Los Angeles Angels 2.0 games back
Houston Astros 3.0 games back
Seattle Mariners 5.0 games back
Oakland Athletics 7.0 games back
AL East:
x- Toronto Blue Jays
y- New York Yankees 1.5 games back
Boston Red Sox 3.5 games back
Tampa Bay Rays 6.0 games back
Baltimore Orioles 14.0 games back
AL Central:
x- Detroit Tigers
y- Kansas City Royals 1.0 game back
Cleveland Indians 4.0 games back
Minnesota Twins 8.0 games back
Chicago White Sox 19.0 games back
NL West:
x- Los Angeles Dodgers
y- Arizona Diamondbacks 0.5 games back
San Diego Padres 4.0 games back
San Fransisco Giants 7.5 games back
Colorado Rockies 21.0 games back
NL East:
x- Washington Nationals
New York Mets 5.0 games back
Philadelphia Phillies 8.0 games back
Atlanta Braves 11.0 games back
Miami Marlins 15.0 games back
NL Central:
x- Chicago Cubs
y- Pittsburgh Pirates 1.0 game back
St. Louis Cardinals 2.0 games back
Cincinatti Reds 7.0 games back
Milwalkee Brewers 15.0 games back
x- Division Winners
y- Wild Card Berth
So that's my breakdown if you too would like your breakdown to be included then feel free to connect with me as follows:
Website: www.screamerproduction.wix.com/allaboutsportszone(Go to link that says Fan Gallery and click Contact)
Twitter: Jimmy Kersey1
I really look forward to getting your feedback on this topic and any others. Chat with you soon :)
#MajorLeagueBaseball #TexasRangers #HoustonAstros #LosAngelesAngels #SeattleMariners #OaklandAthletics #TorontoBlueJays #NewYorkYankees #BostonRedSox #TampaBayRays #BaltimoreOrioles #DetroitTigers #KansasCityRoyals #ClevelandIndians #MinnesotaTwins #ChicagoWhiteSox #LosAngelesDodgers #ArizonaDiamondbacks #SanDiegoPadres #SanFransiscoGiants #ColoradoRockies #WashingtonNationals #NewYorkMets #PhiladelphiaPhillies #AtlantaBraves #MiamiiMarlins #ChicagoCubs #PittsburghPirates #StLouisCardinals #CincinattiReds #MilwalkeeBrewers