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Say it isn't so?

Reports came out from Al Jazeera TV that certain MLB and NFL players are linked to HGH. These are only reports and it is only ALLEDGED that these players are linked to any type of PED's. One of the names linked is that of Peyton Manning. What's my two cents we'll look at that.

First I am completely satisfied these reports may have been made up by a TV entity that is looking to play with the big boys(Al Jazeera in this case). Peyton Manning is NOT a name that I would EVER expect to be linked to drugs...EVER! The link says that he had PED"s sent to his house under his wife's name. Peyton Manning is calling complete BULLCRAP on this story. I'm with Manning as he is one that has said over the years the reason he does NOT do any of that CRAP is because he has young kids looking up to him. The article below is his complete statement found on the Broncos website.

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Second off why in the flying Sam fiddle fart would this report dare try to throw his wife under the bus? If you have reports fine, but maybe just maybe his wife has a medical condition that he(Peyton Manning) does not want spread across the world. Look when supposedly these were sent to his house was back in 2011 and guess what? They did NOT have drug testing or PED suspensions back then. A player's wife and family is OFF limits. They should NOT have to explain the medical conditions of them AT ALL.

Third off can someone please tell me it isn't so? I trust Manning 110 percent and I would too "sue" the doctor or pharmacist that leaked the names. Fine if he apologizes, but I'd still sue the living daylights out of him. There are just too many things in this report that sound suspicious on Al Jazeera's part, most notably, most of the names on the report.

In conclusion, I'm NOT buying this story at all. Never have and never will! I'm actually glad that players like Tom Brady are standing up for Peyton Manning. Manning would NEVER do something like this right? Just say it isn't so!

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