How about Dem Cowoys? That used to be the good old question back in the good old days when the Dallas Cowboys were America's team. Not the case anymore! The Cowboys are off to a horrible 2-7 start and losing their last 7. So what gives? What can be done to make them better? Here are the top 3 things the Dallas Cowboys can do to get better this offseason:
1) Draft a quarterback- The Cowboys are really good with Tony Romo at the helm, but where it gets dicey is when the team has needed to rely on a backup. This season the Cowboys have relied on Brandon Weeden(worst possible backup in the history of the NFL). Then they went out and traded for Matt Cassel. Although, Cassel has better numbers as quarterback as Weeden did, his numbers are still NOT up to par. Before I get some email or someone comment on the BULL of yeah the Cowboys should have drafted Johnny Manziel. That is the DUMBEST and most absurd thing I have ever heard. Are his numbers any better? They are NOT and Manziel has proved me and every critic out there right he would choke in the NFL. This coming draft though the Cowboys must and I mean MUST draft a QB in the first round.
2) Draft or sign a CB- Morris Claiborne is NOT the answer at CB! He has been often injured and this year has played most the season to NO avail. Claiborne was given a chance this season to see if he could return to his college days at LSU and looks to have failed that test. The Cowboys have to draft a CB or go into free agency looking to fill that void. Because even God knows Morris Claiborne is NOT the answer.
3) Stop molly coddling players and coaches- This one Jerry Jones the owner of the Dallas Cowboys is notorious for. Greg Hardy has an attitude and while I love his passion for the game I can NOT and will NOT tolerate him getting into squirmishes with other players on the same team. Leave it to Jerry Jones though who will hold Hardy's hand and tell him he will take care of it. This kind of molly coddling has to STOP! If a player wants to be a disease on the team I don't give a crap how good he is. CUT HIS BUTT! The players and coaches need to take responsiblity the way GROWN MEN take responsibility for their own actions. This goes for Coach Jason Garrett, Defensive Coordinator Rod Marinelli, and Offensive Coordinator Scott Linehan. Jerry Jones to Stephen Jones to the guy giving the Cowboys drinks and white powder before the game.
So I"ll tell you what I think gives? My two cents you won't like and probably would HATE me for even saying but I'll say it anyway. Jerry Jones the owner of the Dallas Cowboys gives. The Dallas Cowboys are the only team that can go from Garrett almost being fired his first year, to the playoffs their second year, to a dismal 2-7 through 10 weeks in the NFL his third year. Troy Aikman said it best when I heard someone ask him about Jerry Jones he said and I quote, "Jerry Jones is SOFT"! Boy do you have that right? Soft as a cotton ball ran through the sink. The Cowboys clearly have issues and the issues start at the top with Jerry Jones. Unfortunately, for Jerry Jones most of the available coaches DON'T WANT TO COACH FOR HIM! I've been a big believer in Bill Cowher coming to the Cowboys. NOPE! Publicly stated won't coach for Jerry. Same for Tony Dungy and 99.9 percent of the coaches in the NFL. Jerry wants to run the show and if he can't run the show he pouts. See Mr. Jimmy Johnson. Guess what Cowboys fans? The circus has come to town and if you want to see what happens when CLOWNS run the show just watch the Cowboys. Sorry but until Jerry Jones kicks the bucket or turns over the team to his son. Get used to this the losses!