We are more than halfway through the NFL season and there are only a handful of undefeated teams. So with no further adieu I give you my Top 3 NFL quarterbacks.
1) Tom Brady- Who can argue with this? Absolutely no one! The numbers on the season prove that he is on a mission and one to prove the world wrong. I see it this way, if someone was going to pee in his cereal, he was going to crap on their parade. The numbers through 8 games prove he is the Top QB in the NFL and will NOT be stopped. His season numbers are as follows:
225-328, 68.6 completion rating, 2709 yards, 113.5 QB Rating, 22 Td's to only 2 interception.
2) Aaron Rodgers- Despite some of his poor outings in games he is still one of the best in the NFL and it is really hard to argue with this as he performs at a high level from week to week. The numbers for Rodgers through 8 games are as follows:
163-252, 64.7 completion rating, 1937 yards, 108.2 QB Rating, 19 touchdowns to a measly 3 interceptions.
3) Andy Dalton- With the Bengals his whole entire career, this former TCU standout is proving his worth in the NFL year in and year out. The best thing to happen to the Ohio area since the Indians of "old' days was the Cleveland Cavaliers making the NBA Finals last year, but the years of the Ohio area being "off" the playoff train are pretty well over now. Dalton's numbers are as follows:
174-258, 67.4 completion rating, 2226 yards, 278 yards/game, 18 touchdowns to his 4 interceptions.
These are my top three quarterbacks in the NFL. So who are your top quarterbacks? Remember you can submit your sports question(s) by following these simple steps:
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